Los Fresnos News

Rotaract Launches Fundraising Project to Support Ukraine Amidst War Outbreak

Rotaract members and guests inaugurate the start of “Walk a Mile in our Socks”

Emilio Flores

Brownsville, TX – Rotaract, a dedicated organization focused on community service, has recently announced a new mission to raise funds and provide support to Ukraine in the midst of an ongoing war outbreak. Inspired by their commitment to making a difference, Rotaract has taken up this significant endeavor, which aims to alleviate the hardships faced by the Ukrainian people during these challenging times.

The organization’s recent meeting held at the UTRGV Brownsville campus was met with resounding success. Attendees displayed a genuine interest in Rotaract’s international project and expressed wholehearted support for the cause. “Rotaract at UTRGV is a small organization doing big things,” stated Christian Alvarado, President of Rotaract, during a Q&A session. “We have done many small projects in the past year, but we wanted something bigger.”

To materialize their aspirations, Rotaract will be selling yellow and blue socks, symbolizing the colors of the Ukrainian flag, within the local community. The funds generated through this initiative will be wired to Rotaract’s counterpart in Ukraine, with the aim of purchasing vital medical supplies for civilians affected by the war. “We hope to provide a bit of normalcy to those affected by the war,” Alvarado emphasized.

The decision to initiate this project came after Rotaract established contact with their organization’s equivalent in Leviv, Ukraine. The Ukrainian counterpart shed light on the dire conditions and the impact of the war on their way of life. In response, Rotaract’s officers, including President Christian Alvarado, Vice President Doris Cedillo, Treasurer Carlos Castillo, and Secretary Cynthia Lara, took the initiative to organize this fundraiser and extend their support to those affected by the conflict.

Donations can be made by visiting the Rotaract tables located outside various businesses as well as the UTRGV Brownsville campus. For specific dates and precise locations, interested individuals are encouraged to visit the organization’s Instagram page @utrgvrotaract or contact Rotaract via email at [email protected]. Alvarado says that every contribution will make a meaningful difference in supporting the Ukrainian community.

Although this project will span a year, Rotaract’s ambitions are not limited to this endeavor alone. As Alvarado stated, “The ambitions of Rotaract UTRGV are unlimited. Our organization is steadily growing in numbers, and the work we do is becoming larger and more influential.” Rotaract aims to expand its impact not only within the Rio Grande Valley but also across communities worldwide.

The previous story published by Los Fresnos News in February highlighted the background and vision of Rotaract’s President, Christian Alvarado. His passion for community service and dedication to making a positive difference serves as an inspiration for the entire organization. With this new fundraising project, Rotaract is once again demonstrating its commitment to service and urging others to join them in supporting Ukraine during these challenging times. You can read our story titled “Making an Impact in the Community”.