Los Fresnos News

NOBLES’, “Most Innovative Teacher Award”

L-R: President and CEO of Texas Noble Builders, Rene Capistran; Christine Blouch, Business Development Manager; Patty Hernandez, Math Teacher at Los Fresnos United; and Juan Chavez, Vice President of Noble Texas Builders.

Los Fresnos CISD

Ms. Patty Hernandez, a math instructor at Los Fresnos United, has been awarded the “Most Innovative Teacher Award” by Noble Texas Builders.

Ms. Hernandez was part of the company’s summer 2023 teacher externship cohort from three districts who spent 10-days gaining valuable insight into Noble’s general operations. Some highlights of the externship included:
Professional learning sessions based on problem-solving, planning, and estimating
Working with student interns
Visit real job sites
Learn about current and future career opportunities in the industry

Ms. Hernandez was chosen for the brand new award based on her ability to share and apply the information for students. Noble awarded Ms. Hernandez with a $2,500 grant for classroom needs.

Vice President of Noble, Juan Chavez; Los Fresnos Superintendent, Dr. Salazar; Patty Hernandez, Math Teacher at Los Fresnos United; and President and CEO of Texas Noble Builders, Rene Capistran. Mrs. Hernandez is a Teacher at Los Fresnos CISD who received a Certificate of Completion after Noble Texas Builders’ Externship Graduation Ceremony back in 2023.