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Volunteers, Donations Needed for Annual Thanksgiving Feast
- Updated: November 9, 2018
by Tony Vindell/LFN
The annual Thanksgiving Feast is just around the corner and volunteers and donations are needed to make the event another success.
The turkey, with all the trimming meals, will be served on Wednesday November 14 at Los Fresnos United.
But those in charge of running the event need money to purchase food, plastic wear, door prizes and drinks for up to 600 plates.
Everyone is encouraged to make a donation, which is tax deductible.
The Thanksgiving feast is now in its ninth year.
For more information please call: Leticia Pereira at 956-577-6930 or at lpereira@lfcisd,net, or Janie Espinoza at 956-254-5400 or [email protected] or Claudia Medina at 956-254-5371.