Los Fresnos News

Jazz Orchestra Takes First Place at TMEA Competition

By Mike Villarreal

The Los Fresnos High School Jazz Orchestra achieved first place in the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) invited Jazz Ensemble Competition. The group submitted recordings of their performances during the 2024 spring semester, and a panel of judges awarded them the top spot in the state. The Jazz Orchestra will be featured in a full-length concert during the annual TMEA Convention in mid-February in San Antonio, the largest music conference in the nation. The Jazz Orchestra is under the direction of David LaClair and Andy Salois, the music director for Los Fresnos CISD.

To be eligible for this competition, directors must be active members of TMEA and TJEA and cannot be on the board of TMEA or TJEA. Recordings and applications for high school and middle school had to be submitted by June 1st. Directors could upload up to 5 recorded tracks to TMEA, and the recordings had to be made during the 2023-2024 school year. The tracks should contain examples of different jazz styles and must be from live concerts, with at least 15 minutes but at most 30 minutes of music.

Five members of the Texas Jazz Educations Association (TJEA) were selected from around the state to listen to the recordings. The process was a blind audition; only the selection committee chairperson would know which schools applied. Invited ensembles must complete their concert within the 50-minute allotted time, which includes introductions, applause, and presentations. Ensembles are given 40 minutes, and the Band Division Vice-President must approve the repertoire. The performance may only include top varsity ensemble student members and must be in the jazz ensemble genre.
Photo and information by the Los Fresnsos CISD Facebook page