Los Fresnos News

LFCISD Celebrates Career and Technical Education Month

By Mike Villarreal

Los Fresnos CISD is excited to celebrate Career and Technical Education Month in February. Career and technical education (CTE) prepares students for high-wage, high-skill, and high-demand careers. It equips them with the academic, technical, and employability skills necessary for true career readiness. CTE provides students with hands-on career exploration opportunities earlier in their educational journey, enabling them to make informed decisions about their academic coursework and pursue established programs of study and career pathways.

Los Fresnos CISD offers a diverse range of CTE pathways, including 16 Programs of Study, 42 Industry-Based Certifications, and 12 Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO). CTE programs in high school focus on providing students with practical skills and knowledge related to specific career fields. These programs allow students to explore potential career paths, gain hands-on experience, and prepare for either further education or direct entry into the workforce, often through industry-recognized certifications—all while still in high school. CTE programs effectively bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world applications.

The CTE programs encompass various industries, including healthcare, technology, construction, business, culinary arts, and automotive technology. Students acquire practical skills through hands-on activities, internships, and projects that simulate real-world work scenarios. Many CTE programs also provide opportunities to earn industry-recognized certifications, significantly enhancing employability upon graduation.

Additionally, CTE programs prepare students for further education at community colleges or universities, as well as for direct entry into the workforce. CTE courses often integrate academic subjects such as math, science, and language arts to offer a well-rounded learning experience.

Los Fresnos CISD will be hosting an exciting event on January 15th that showcases their Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs and Fine Arts and Music programs. This event offers hands-on career training and opportunities for artistic exploration, ensuring there’s something for every student. It’s the perfect chance to learn about the diverse offerings available that can help set your child on a path to a successful future. You’ll have the opportunity to meet dedicated staff, tour facilities, and discover how they can support your student in reaching their full potential. It will take place at Los Fresnos United from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Photos from the Los Fresnos CISD Facebook page

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